Monday, 30 September 2013


Its monday huh..and i just 'ponteng' my class for the first time untuk sem ni. Hee no komen bout that. Do i need more time to be okay. Hmm i guess two days spending time with all the crazy things were good enough.
Well had so much fun during last weekend. Did so many things for the first time. Well spending my time with them. Two days,one night.Worth it.
#ice-skating #climbingwall #bowling 

Ice skating >> I fell once. I felt like giving up. But they picked me up and help me to ride slowly. Supported and motivated me. Thats life. Support each other. I learned a lot about life while played this sport. I shouldnt give up so early coz my destiny is too long to stop now. Must remember that u still got family and friends to support u when ur down. Eventhough he/she who meant a lot in ur life laeve n hurt you,but still u have to move on. Allah just sent them for some reasons. So never regret. Ride,walk,move slowly. You'll reach ur destination if u keep on focus n never turn back. 

Climbing wall >> Guys,its amazing!! haha. im a strong girl. I know i can did it even im small. I've proved them that i can do what others can do ;) wink2.. Even that two guys stuck in the middle of the wall. hehe. wuuu malu2. haha. Should go there next time. Putrajaya challenge park :) awesome. I knew new people. alhamdulillah :)

Thanks guys for the weekend. at least i have something to remembered :') Walaupun handphone hilang,takpe,semua ada hikmahnya :') KEEP SMILE. YOU GO GIRL !

Friday, 27 September 2013



Rasanya dah lama sangat tak update entri baru. takda masa nak buat.
Now baru masuk sem baru. Dah bergelar 2nd year 2nd sem student da. Alhamdulillah lepas jugak .
Result last sem tak seperti yang diharapkan tapi tetap rasa bersyukur sebab Allah masih selamatkan di tempat yg adil.
Baru first week utk sem ni,da macam2 benda berlaku. But i know im strong enough to get it. Thats why He gives it to me now. Ini lah masa yg sesuai. Ujian kali ni betul2 buat aku sedar,jangan give up wlau benda tu da nampak hopeless dah coz we will never know His plan. Betul la kata2 yg mengatakan,"kalau Allah tak makbulkan sekarang doa kita,mungkin Dia nak makbulkan nanti and He had better plan for us :') " Allah bagi ujian ni tetap pada masa n tempatnya. Allahurabbi... tak tahu nak cakap camne tapi memang rasa terkesima sngt. menangis tanda terharu,bersyukur tapi dalam masa yg sama sedih. 
Ujian ni berat jugak la bagi aku tapi kalau Allah tak izinkan,pasti takkn berlaku jugak kan. So benda ni mmg diizinkanNya :') Sebgai hamba yg lemah,sapa aku n dia utk menolak perancanganNya. sedih itu pasti tapi yakinla,kalau kita tinggalkan sesuatu perkara tu utk kebaikan,inshaAllah Allah akan tolong kita dalam hidup. Keredhaan n keberkatan itu yg kita cari. Tetapkan n teguhkan iman dalam diri ini ya Allah. Ada jodoh,pasti tak kemana. 
Dalam keadaan yg kabut macam ni,baru kita nampak sapa true friends sebenarnya. Sapa yg ada dgn kita dikala kita sedih n jatuh. Sapa yg tolong kita. Baru sekarang kita akan nampak. 
Now lupakan benda yg buat kita sedih/jatuh. Life is too short to be unhappy. KEEP MOVING and dont stop. Show them that ure strong enough to stand alone and prove them dat they are wrong! 

p/s: KEEP ON PRAYING and BE HAPPY. Someone else still need ur smile to make them hapy :') #positive. and you,thanks for understanding me and be tough :)