stress...em nda tau la apa yg ak stree kan hpy being a stdnt of UTP...da 3minggu kat far so
gud..i love this place so much..i learn a lot here eventhough baru 3miggu kat ak xtawla bnda pa yg
mgnggu ak sbnnya..em firstly,mmg ak redha pilihan my parents to furter my stdy here tp since i got a phone
call from KYUEM last 2 weeks,aku rasa cam berbelah bag pula..lagi2 skg ni baru aku rasa tekaan stdy
fizik..frankling speaking,mmg fizik ak zero since f4 lagi...aku xtau camna mau stdy subjek ni..seriusly,mmg aku
suka mengira tapi fzk really dffrnt wth pre calculus...rasa bodoh nya lau kelas fizik is going on..em kalau ak
xfkr my parents,now ne jgk ak kol dorang n mintak stop ak stdy sini...its bl fikir keredhaan dorg,i
better follw the way...
YA ALLAH..i really need U rite now..rasa jauh nya hati aku dgn Engkau skrg ni..ya Allah,jauhi aku
drpd terlalu lalai dgn nkmat Engkau..jauhkan aku drpd dia ya Allah kalau tu yg terbaik...ssghnya aku xingin
kisah silam ku berulang kembali..cukupla kisah2 yg lalu ak jadikan iktibar..amin..
if evrything goes smooth, dat means, sumthing wrong with lyfe, rabbi yassir, wa laa tu'assir, ameen
ReplyDeletesaiii. dont cry baby :) you are now at utp. memang still ada masa untuk doa dan istikharah. doa yang terbaik and memang kena yakin, okay ? if HE say that utp is the best for you, so just go on :) maybe for this time tak nmpk lagi apa baik dn buruknya for your life, but then oneday will come and show it to you that this is the best :) babe,pe2 roger2 aku. im still your shoulder even we're further :)i miss you moga Allah permudahkan jalan buatmu dan untuk semua..